The Far Horizon Magazine


Majestic Brahmaputra, Brahmaputra River, Brahmaputra, The Only Male River in India, Assam Brahmaputra,

Meet the Majestic Brahmaputra River

The Brahmaputra River charts a course of epic proportions. It journeys through the Tibet Autonomous Region of China, Arunachal Pradesh and Assam in India, and Bangladesh. The river’s name means “Son of Brahma”. Brahma is the creator of the universe according to Hindu mythology. The river itself, however, acts as[…]

Orissa, Orissa Tribes, Tribes of Orissa,

Tribes of Odisha

The state of Odisha is home to some of the most beautiful and historic temples in the country, with an abundance of picturesque nationals parks and wildlife, a strong legacy of classical music and dances, distinctive and intricate handicrafts and at the heart of the state – its ancient and[…]

A 7-Day Sojourn in Kerala

If you’re looking to gain a unique insight into an under-explored side of Kerala, nothing comes close to a week-long cruising holiday through the backwaters. Most houseboats only offer a 2 – 3-night stay and even then, the cultural immersion is limited. With this journey, we’ve created a route that[…]

benaras, indian folk art, indian traditions, indian art, toymakers of varanasi, indian toymakers, traditional arts and crafts india

The Toymakers of Benaras – A Legacy We May Be Losing

Benaras, now known as Varanasi is one of the oldest cities in the world. From a time long forgotten, people from different cultures, communities, religions, and traditions came and thrived by the banks of river Ganga.With time, they developed exclusive art, craft and music skills and Benaras became home to[…]

The Demoiselle Cranes of Khichan and the Man Who Brought Them There

What started initially as a few dozen visiting birds has today become a major migration with the number being recorded at 15,000 in 2010. After a lifetime of protecting the birds, Ratan Lal Maloo or the Birdman of Khichan as he’s fondly known, passed away in 2011 but his legacy[…]

Dera Village Retreat, Kalakho

Perfect for a weekend getaway, the retreat gives you the opportunity to unwind while the kids run amok. Miles away from the pollution, hustle-bustle and chaos of our cities, this is an easily accessible haven. Leave behind the daily stressors for a few days and spend your days doing offbeat[…]

A Walk Through Time in Benaras

There is no better way to explore Benaras than by walking through the lanes and by-lanes of this ancient city and experiencing for yourself all that it has to offer. Walk through the alleys of Benaras in tune with the ringing of the temple bells and with the fragrance of[…]

ladakh, hemis, stunning, road trip, ladakh road trip, leh

Hemis Festival – An Experience Like None Other

Known as the Kumbh Mela of the Himalayas, Hemis Festival aims to bring together, in mind and spirit, people from different sects of Buddhism and from across the globe to witness this beautiful spectacle. The Hemis Festival provides a great opportunity to witness this ancient monastery in all its splendour[…]